English. my term review

A New Year, A New Start

Amish people 

The Amish are the old traditionalist deeply religious group of Christians. By their historical origin, the Amish people are Protestants who escaped persecution in Europe and came to the United States of America to build a new community based on the following old traditions and mutual help. Due to the fact that their own system of beliefs differed from the official church on issues like pacifism and being baptized in adulthood, the Amish people faced disagreement with Catholics and Protestants. Searching for own religious freedom the Amish people migrated to the USA. Even though the Amish are of the same origin as the Mennonites, one should not confuse them. Historically, the Amish and Mennonites had the same Anabaptist origin in the 16th century on the Europe territory (Kraybill, 2010).  Today, these two groups differ in basic lifestyle rules. Unlike present Mennonites, the Amish people continue to lead a plain life, use a plain dress style, and avoid using most kinds of technology. Since the Amish culture is of a closed type, it is obvious that these people isolated themselves from the outside world. Today, everything Amish people possess is different from the modern world in general. Clothes, daily routine and work, education, and even language are rather different from what people in the outside world have. Due to the centuries of separation, this culture has unique features in almost all aspects of life. The Amish culture is an excellent example of a modern closed subculture type with a unique way of living, but very strong beliefs and the system of values.

Some people think that men and women are equal and so women should do any job they want. Others feel that men and women are not equal therefore there are certain jobs that are not suitable for women. Even there are people who say that men should be paid more than women.

The question arises that are men and women equally valuable to society? What differentiates men from women? Is it the brain? Research has shown that men and women are sometimes good at doing different things. But this hasn’t proved any difference in the working and capacity of the brain itself. This indicates that the two genders have equal potential to be valuable.
Although men and women have set different roles in society, with men more often accomplishing roles in the public sphere, and women more often fulfilling roles in the private sphere. Regardless of whether you think this will change in the future or not and regardless of whether you find this division of labor desirable or not, it’s safe to presume that men and women are equally valuable to society.
Society would not function without the roles that men perform or without the roles that women perform.


 In today's world, there is nobody who can honestly say that they have absolutely no problems or worries in their life. Everyone has something to deal with and things to get over in their life--that's why it's called life. As long as you're alive, you will constantly have to battle the burdens of life that all people encounter. Some are destroyed by the hardships and others overcome them. In Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" she gives a glimpse at the life of one woman who, for a brief time, felt she would have no more problems, but then is shocked into death by realizing that her problems were not yet gone. The theme of the story is that you are never really free from the troubles of life until you are dead. I believe that everyone has problems or challenges to overcome every day. Even people who think that they are perfect have problems or challenges to overcome every day. I always have to overcome challenges or problems. No one in this world will not have any challenges or problems. They will have some type of challenge or problem. I believe anyone will be able to overcome those problems. People will always have issues when coming to problems or challenges. Sometime when I have problems in my daily life, I think of them as challenges to overcome. When you overcome those challenges, I know that you will feel good about it. I believe that no one should challenge a problem in their daily life. Because you get problems and adversity anyway, no matter what, why not at least make use of them? Thinking of those obstacles as challenges is a giant step in the direction of making hardship or difficulty has meaning. The best decision I ever made was to strive to do this. Don’t get me wrong. I still have my moments where I fail miserably and then gripe and moan for unknown amounts of time as I have a pity party. However when I’m done feeling sorry for myself I remember my goal to do this and suddenly there is a surge of strength that comes up that I didn’t know I had….and I can carry on. So I wish you the best as you strive for this goal!!!


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